Federal Services


Wegmat is free to travel to and doesn't require a visa or passport stamp. Much of Wegmat is in a 5 mile radius of O'hare International Airport. Wegmat cannot help any individual to get to the United States the only way into Wegmat and surrounding nations is through the United States. Wegmat is administered dually by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County and the federal and local governments. FPDCC rules apply in Wegmat's in-provinces. FPDCC operates many facilities within Wegmat some facilities are maintained by Federal Ministries or private operations within Wegmat.

Weapons and Illinois Illegal drugs and crop seeds are banned for entry into Wegmat and are enforced by authorities of the United States. Authorities of the United States do and will respond to emergencies. Use common sense in Wegmat, safe travels!

Best places to travel are here.

See Provincial rules and regulations on the province you are traveling to's Website.

Gliffork, Two Pine, New Finland and Cenwister are banned from visits without permission from their Local Governments.


The Ministry of Health maintains 10 first-aid stations throughout Wegmat. The stations can treat minor cuts and bruises. These stations may not be stocked, do not rely on them. if a serious injury occurs call 911 and doctors from the United States. The Ministry of Health is responsible for advising the public and preventing the spread of disease. Unfortunately, we lack the resources to serve the public in medical care. Hospitals located in the United States nearby include Rush Oak Park on Harlem and Madison and West Suburban on Austin and Chicago.

Report Health Code Violation  MOH 33

Request Long Term Care Assistance FHA 3-1

Ministry of Health


Federal elections are every 6 months for parliament. Every year for President. Local elections vary by province and municipality. In some provinces, municipal positions are appointed.

Apply for December Federal ballot access  MOFS 3-23

Vote here Federal Ballot


Several provinces in the Federal Union offer education services at their public universities. 

Visit their campuses for information and enrollment.

Essef University System -

Hydrove University System - 

Drystone Regional University - 

Irving Provincial University System - 

Abierta Provincial University

Darkwater Regional University

Bushwood University 

The National Institute of the Sciences is the Federal equivalent to a University although it is mainly for research into science.


If a person violates Federal law they will be prosecuted by the Ministry of Justice. If a person violates provincial law they will be prosecuted by their local department of justice. If you witness a crime contact your local law enforcement agency in Wegmat. If a crime is serious, do not contact Weg agencies, immediately contact the local United States law enforcement (Call 911).

Petition for relief CPA 1

Report violation of civil liberties CLA 1

Report a crime CPA 4

Federal law enforcement agencies:

MOJ Wegmat Special Police and Investigation - Agency that will investigate violations of Federal Law or send a SWAT team, local law enforcement does not have SWAT.

MoA Wegmat Ranger Service - Patrols and responds in National Forests, National Grasslands, and rural Wegmat.

MOE Wegmat Mountain Patrol - Patrols and responds in National Parks and some rural areas. It is also a mobile first aid service in their jurisdiction.

MOF Wegmat Monetary Security Agency - Protects Wegmat's currency from counterfeit and guards transports and locations of the WNB.

MOT Wegmat Transit Police - Secures Weg Ways, Riverports and Airports.

MOD Wegmat Border Police - Secures the border and provides customs and immigration enforcement.

Federal Courts:

1st District Court of Justice (Bushwood, Essef, Two Pine), 108  Wolf Way | Bushwood

2nd District Court of Justice (Hilda, Hydrove, Gliffork), 6 Jerome Avenue | Fort Jerome, Hilda

3rd District Court of Justice (Whyofly, Drystone, Abierta), 32 Green Street | Lost Lake City, Drystone

4th District Court of Justice (Irving, South Potawatomi, North Potawatomi), 1 Central Avenue | Darkwater, South Potawatomi

Cenwister District Court of Justice, 211 Orange Street | Fullerton, Cenwiser

New Finland District Court of Justice, 1 Government Circle | New Helsinki, New Finland

Ministry of Justice


The Wegmat Ministry of Transportation operates all interprovincial transportation such as roads and Weg Ways. Roads are maintained by both Weg agencies and the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. 

Road Rules:

Private motor vehicles must yield to all traffic

Bicycles and motor vehicles must yield to pedestrians

ALL TRAFFIC must yield to horses

ALL TRAFFIC must yield to road workers

ALL TRAFFIC must yield to emergency vehicles

All traffic must abide by road signs

Traffic may not exceed 45 kph on unpaved roads

Road Map

Buy a ticket on Weg Ways

Buy a ticket for Thatcher and Isadora Railroad

Buy a ticket on Weg Air

Ministry of Transportation


There are many places to relax, hike, camp, picnic, or many other activities in Wegmat.

A list, maps and information can be found here.